Thursday 20 November 2014

Print Advert

After analyzing television and radio adverts for Haribo sweets I then looked at the style of advertising they use in magazine and newspaper adverts.
I started looking at the writing in the advert to see what it was saying and in this case it is 'Discover our new dark bear'  And I feel that it is saying that to make the gummy bears in the advert look like a pint of Guinness. The graphics or images in the advert make us and helps us to make sense of the story or make us relate to the characters in the advert or they make us concentrate on the product, in the advert the words discover our new bear this showing that the pint glass is filled with gummy bears, with the pint bears being dark colors that will relate to the word dark in the phrase 'Dark bear' 

The brand is shown because if the brand was not in the print advert we wouldn't know what was in the pint glass  and we wouldn't know what is in the pint glass. I think it is important because the audience want to know what they are looking for incase they want to buy the product.
There are no characters in the ad therefore the gummy bears in the pint glass are the characters in this advert. I think they chose the characters because this print advert is for Haribo sweets and you would like characters that relate for what the adverts is advertising and they are a good selling point because then people know what to look for the next time they want to buy Haribo's
The story of the advert suggest to me that a person had put Haribo gummy bear sweets in a pint glass to make it look like a pint of Guinness.
Although I am unsure of where the advert was placed I feel that it would be best placed in a magazine such as nuts because the intended target audience would also look at and read magazines like that.
The intended target audience for the advert is males , Age 18+ . I feel this because males aged 18+ are into adult magazines and type of beers like Guinness 
The advertising techniques used in the advert were injects drama you can tell because making childish sweets look like a pint of beer is a bit dramatic.

Overall I think the advert was effective because in my opinion men that buy adult magazines are more likely to spot this product because of the way the gummy bears are put into a pint glass to look like a pint of Guinness. I feel this advert is good how it has been printed for a magazine and does not need changing.

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