Thursday 20 November 2014

TV Advert

When analyzing  the advertisement for Haribo, i started off looking at the television advert.
The narrative of the advert is about a wedding photo is about to happen and 2 kids, a girl aged 5-8 and a boy aged 8-12 have a bag of Haribo tangfantastic each, they give everyone a Haribo apart from the bride. When the photo is taken they all eat the sweet. This helped me make the advert effective.

I then looked at the camera shots that were taken during the advert and why they chose those shots. The adverts started with a wide shot to a numerous
 amount of close up shots of all the family, the advert finishes with a wide shot of how the photo ended.

I also notice how the mis-en-scene was  used to further help to sell the product.The mis-en-scene is all the added objects and props in the background.There was a white wedding dress that was worn by the bride, there were pink dresses that were worn by the bridesmaids, there were black suits that were worn by the groom and the best man and the boy,there was also a camera used in the photo because there is a photo being taken and the setting is the outside of a church because there has just been a wedding

The sounds used in the advert was the family talking presumably about the wedding, there was also the sound of the photographer telling them that hes ready to take the photo then the advert has the sound of the camera going off.

I think it was a good advert and helped the overall feel of the advert because when the soured sweets are being eaten, everyone that eats the sweets get the same feeling of the sour taste.

The advertising techniques used in the advert was nurture this is because there are children used, there is also the technique compliment the consumer because it makes whoever eats it have tang feeling in your mouth.

The target audience used for this product is both male and female from a range of ages. I think the advert was successful in tempting the audience to buy the product and remember will the product based on what happens in the advert.

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