Thursday 20 November 2014

Radio Advert

Haribo doesn't have any radio advert so i had to use a TV advert and use the sound from them.

I then had to analyse a radio advert to see if there were any similarities in the styles of advertising that Haribo use.

The style of the radio advert was humorous because the advert is about grown men and women talking in a baby toned voice.

The overall message of the advert was about babies talking about their favorite haribo sweets and this was because in the advert they spoke about what their favorite Haribo like the gummy bear or the ring.

The types of voices used in the advert were male and female baby voices they chose these types of voices because it is more likely to be babies that prefer Haribos.

The tone of language in the advert was conversational as this blended in with the style of the advert because the babies were having a conversion about their favorite haribo.

There was a tag line/slogan in the advert and this was kids and grownups love it so the happy world of haribo And it was mentioned 1 time which was at the end.

The product name itself was mentioned 2 times to make sure you know what you are buying.
The contact details were not mentioned because there is no need to phone haribo

The music used in the advert was only at the end for the slogan an was a beaty sound this was in my opinion effective because if it was at the beginning the audience wouldn't know what it is being advertised because you wouldn't be able to hear what they are speaking about. There were no sound effects used In the advert I think this is better because the advert was a conversation.

The main purpose of the advert was to inform the audience so they buy haribo sweets.

Overall I think the advert was effective on the target audience because the advert is about babies saying what their favorite haribo sweets are this being that if a parent goes shopping they would buy haribo sweets.

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